(by Kraft) Picnic Table
12 animated multi-sits (unisex) for groups or single avatars. Adjustable positions.
Texture change menu-driven that allows selecting from a range of different colors and patterns for parts of the object (table, cushions, basket and table clothes).
Interactive objects (gives sandwiches and glasses of wine).
Note: Due to technical reasons the multi-sitter function does not work when the object is placed inside a Sim surrounds (landscape sculpt) location.
- 12 animated multi-sits
- Menu driven texture change
- Interactive objects
- Groups
- Unisex sits
Doesn't work...
This was in the NC... and you can only see the NC after you buy the product. Maybe you should put this in the description. Only $100L Lost... get what you pay for. Buyer beware : Due to technical reasons the multi-sitter scipt does not work when the object is placed inside a Sim surrounds (landscape sculpt) location.