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chatGPT App HUD easy use secure copy/mod permissions Version 1.0

chatGPT App HUD easy use secure copy/mod permissions

Very convenient and easy way to log in and use from inside SL your existing chatGPT account via same familiar interface.

Wear the HUD, SHOW / HIDE INTERFACE by clicking on the button with our logo, then click on the interface to load chatGPT web page.

Hud doesn't listen, store or know anything about your log in credentials, chatGPT chats or SL chats! Conversations history exists only on your GPT account.

>>>You can copy/paste the text from conversations to use them in SL by selecting text with left mouse button and copy / paste with ctrl+c / ctrl+v <<<

Customize the size or position with edit menu (some viewers have additional options). HUD consists of 2 linked prims, interface is the root prim, so make sure you know what you're doing. Scripts are nomod.

Because of SL lag, you might need to wait a bit until texture is loaded, or maybe click some interface buttons twice. This has nothing to do with the HUD, it's just SL. Speed of sending prompts and getting responses is normal.

For any questions of help, feel free to contact us. Enjoy!


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