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coffin w pose

coffin w pose

Touch coffin to open or close it. Touch inside of casket to lay there. Corpse pose inside can only be touched with lid open.A perfect add on to an old west sim or dungeon set up, and since it is copy, pull as many out as you need. Coffin is large enough for most male avis to rest comfortably in peace. Mod is also allowed to resize for smaller corpses.

  • opens and closes
  • 2 prim total
  • copy allowed
Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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Misinformation In Description
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted May 04, 2018 by Rich Oddson

I bought this because it claimed that it was a copy version but what I got was a No Copy version. But according to the description "since it is copy, pull as many out as you need". Contacted the creator but got no reply and hasn't been online in almost a year.

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