Purchase this item & leave a review and I will send you a gift! Just IM me (Emily Kaestner) in-world with a link to your review and I will send your prize within 48 hours.
This is the fatpack. You'll get all 10 pairs of sheer pattern leggings shown. Hand drawn shading and details. Fun, bright, colorful patterns.
Thank you for shopping at croire on the Second Life marketplace. If you have any questions about this item or issues with your transaction, please do not hesitate to contact me in-world. Send a notecard or IM to Emily Kaestner and I will do my best to help!
- 10 pairs included
- hand drawn shading
- custom personal textures
- sheer
- all layers included for complex fashionistas
So many fun patterns in one pack!
These are just the perfect transparency in my opinion. Really fun to add to a plain outfit to add your own style.