Purchase this item & leave a review and I will send you a gift! Just IM me (Emily Kaestner) in-world with a link to your review and I will send your prize within 48 hours.
Tornado isn't a game. Tornado is a pose prop for you and your friends. Three people can stand on a mat. The mat has a lot of colored circles on it. ;)
Put it in your home, it is decor. Actually, it is pure art.
Thank you for shopping at croire on the Second Life marketplace. If you have any questions about this item or issues with your transaction, please do not hesitate to contact me in-world. Send a notecard or IM to Emily Kaestner and I will do my best to help!
- 3 poses
- modifiable, adjust to any avatar
- twister
- blogger pose prop
- group pose prop
Throw-back Days
{soap} Twister is a non-eletronic game in SL. An American game that use human bodies as playing pieces. It is something reminiscent of an earlier time.
Love it
I love this didnt know sl had it and im glad i found it
How Fun!
I love this game, and to be able to play/pose it up in game is a hoot! Thank you for making this! Great poses!
All the awkwardness you would expect
No, you won't be having any fun games of twister, but you can take some very flattering pictures! OK maybe you can have a 'pretend' game. Go ahead and stand on a pose...LEFT FOOT YELLOW!