Purchase this item & leave a review and I will send you a gift! Just IM me (Emily Kaestner) in-world with a link to your review and I will send your prize within 48 hours.
This full perm texture pack includes eight 1024x1024 assorted red, pink, and yellow Valentine's day textures. You'll get some with hearts, roses, lace, love letters, and more!
A (non-watermarked) key is included in the box.
These are textures I have used in my croire creations are are completely unique to the grid. I am excited to finally share my textures with the Second Life creator community!
I also carry a Valentine's Day Seamless Wallpaper set - Scroll down to "related items" and check it out!
These textures are sold and licensed with copy, mod, trans perms so you can use them in your Second Life creations for personal or commercial use. This includes clothing, buildings, furniture, etc.
You may NOT give away these textures by themselves to anybody. You may not box them up and sell them. You may not alter the textures and sell them. This includes on and off Second Life.
Buy buying and using these textures you are agreeing to our Terms of Use / End User Agreement. If you break these agreements, you will be in violations of copyright and license, and appropriate action will be taken.
Linden Lab's copyright laws and intellectual property rights can be read here: http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for supporting croire and have fun building!
Thank you for shopping at croire on the Second Life marketplace. If you have any questions about this item or issues with your transaction, please do not hesitate to contact me in-world. Send a notecard or IM to Emily Kaestner and I will do my best to help!
Great customer service
We had a little hiccup in the delivery but Emily was fast to contact me when she logged in and resolved the issue. Great customer service and amazing textures! Thank you so much!