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!dM Sakura - ShibariDress **JADE DRAGON** (BOX)

!dM Sakura - ShibariDress **JADE DRAGON** (BOX)

Reduced Clearance Promo!

Shibari Dress | Dress
16 to collect (4 rare)
Perms: Transfer
Mesh: 100% Mesh

"Sakura" is a fitted mesh Shibari Dress, made or iridiscent, richly embroidered silk paired with tied shibari ropes held in place by eternal knots ornaments. Matching appliers for Lolas Tango are included, as well as a floral patterend tattoo for the upper right thigh. Each dress comes with a menu that allows to choose small cup size or large cup size, as well as 2 options (small/large) for the ropes over the hips. The hip ropes can optionally be hidden, and you can add an animated sparkle effect to the dress if you so choose.

Material enabled to make full use of what SL has to offer these days, but look fantastic without materials of course as well.

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