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!dM deviousMind "Cleo" **CANDY** EgyptianCrown & Hair

!dM deviousMind "Cleo" **CANDY** EgyptianCrown & Hair

"Queen of the Nile"

Egyptian Crown
by !dM deviousMind

!dM "Cleo" was deviousMind's contribution to WeLoveRolePlay in April 2017. Each color set contains 4 wear styles: the scarab stone lying flat over the head or raised as a disk, each of them coming with braided hair or as headdress only to wear with your own hair styles. The standalone headdress is included in two widths.

You should find the following things in your new couture box:
** in the following represents the color of your purchase.
Permissions are (copy/no transfer/no mod)

Unrigged Mesh w/ resize & stretch script:
• !dM Cleo - ScarabHair (flat) **
• !dM Cleo - ScarabHair (raised) **

• !dM Cleo - ScarabHeadress (flat) **
• !dM Cleo - ScarabHeaddress (wide/flat) **
• !dM Cleo - ScarabHeadress (raised) **
• !dM Cleo - ScarabHeadress (wide/raised) **

This is an accessory release only, no clothing items are included. The outfits worn in our teaser image and vendor display on the left is !dM deviousMInd **Wicca** gacha, which you can find at our mainstore. The right silks are !dM deviousMind "Lailaa" gacha coming in May 2017.

Textures and meshes for this set are own illustrations and designs created by Chandra Meehan for (*chanimations and deviousMind. I am NOT reselling my meshes/textures as templates so if you find them used by anybody else not connected to us, please help protect original content in SL and immediately inform us!

Thank you very much in advance!

The pack includes an object named !dM deviousMind "Cleo" *[colorname]* - CHECK FOR UPDATE (rezz) which will check for free upgrades to any of the content of this set. We've included this so you will be up-to-date on all changes that might occur of any of the items and scripts in this set.

See item in Second Life
  • Multiple wear options included!
  • Free updates on item pieces (if any occur)
  • Custom textures & meshes :)