"Let me be your Spikey Valentine..."
"Love Me Tender"
Latex Harness
by !dM deviousMind
We created this lovely little latex harness to enjoy with your mesh bodies. "Love Me Tender" is the wilder answer to "Making You Blush!" release and the harness top will as well match up with our "Babydoll" NextUP (former gacha) silk dresses. So there is a lot of styling abilities!
"Love Me Tender" is a fitted mesh harness for Maitreya Lara as well as Slink Hourglass mesh bodies. Each set contains two colors, with a spiked harness and studded harness version plus hanging leash. The metal parts of the harness can be changed by color menu (please see information below). Please try the demo to find out if it might fit with other bodies.
Each color can be acquired as individual packs (please see related Products below), available colors are:
Or - if you can't decide (and it WILL be difficult) - as **COLOR PACK** with all colors plus 4 bonus colors **TURQUOISE**, **LIME**, **HOTPINK** and **GREY**!
The harness comes as fitted mesh for Maitreya Lara and Slink Hourglass.
Please take note, the harness is NOT scripted for RLV nor any of the many systems out there, it's purely a fashion item.
The outfit includes an UPDATE CHECK to keep you up to date with every piece as well in future, please be sure to know where you have it as we may include further sizes if it's demanded with a future update.
You should find the following things in your new couture box:
** represents the color of your purchase.
Permissions are (copy/no transfer/no mod).
Fitted Mesh attachments:
(requires mesh body)
• !dM Love - LARA SpikedPanties **
• !dM Love - LARA SpikedTop **
• !dM Love - LARA StuddedPanties **
• !dM Love - LARA StuddedTop **
• !dM Love - LARA LoveLeash **
• !dM Love - HOURGLASS SpikedPanties **
• !dM Love - HOURGLASS SpikedTop **
• !dM Love - HOURGLASS StuddedPanties **
• !dM Love - HOURGLASS StuddedTop **
• !dM Love - HOURGLASS LoveLeash **
Each color set contains 2 different colors of each item.
Enjoy your new costume!
Textures and meshes for this set are own illustrations and designs created by Chandra Meehan for (*chanimations and deviousMind. I am NOT reselling my meshes/textures as templates so if you find them used by anybody else not connected to us, please help protect original content in SL and immediately inform us!
Thank you very much in advance!
See item in Second Life- Fitted for Maitreya LARA
- Fitted for Slink HOURGLASS