"All you need to be dressed is a string of pearls..."
"Sarah La Festive"
by !dM deviousMind
!dM "Sarah La Festive" is our holiday version of "Sarah La Seductrice" Pearl Harness and is availabe in 9 different colors **PEARL**, **RUBY**, **ROSE**, **CORAL**, **SKY**, **JADE**, **GOLD**, **SILVER** and **ONYX**.
The Necklace contains sizes for Maitreya Lara, Slink Hourglass, as well one unrigged version with resize/stretch script so you can freely position the necklace when taking pictures.
Please try the demo!
You should find the following things in your new couture box:
** represents the color of your purchase.
(copy/no transfer/no mod)
Fitted Mesh attachments:
• !dM Sarah - LARA HolidayPearls **
• !dM Sarah - HOURGLASS HolidayPearls **
Unrigged Mesh attachments:
(w/ resize&stretch script)
• !dM Sarah - HolidayPearls (unrigged) **
The choker comes with an options menu allowing for different styles, such as hide/show the holly leaves, wear it as a opened up pearl collar. Please see more info further down!
Textures and meshes for this set are own illustrations and designs created by Chandra Meehan for (*chanimations and deviousMind. I am NOT reselling my meshes/textures as templates so if you find them used by anybody else not connected to us, please help protect original content in SL and immediately inform us!
Thank you very much in advance!
See item in Second Life- Fitted for Maitreya LARA and Slink HOURGLASS mesh body
- Original mesh and textures (no templates)
- Materials Enabled