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-db- Dirty Boyz Locker Room

-db- Dirty Boyz Locker Room

The Dirty Boyz Locker Room is a male locker room that is fully furnished and includes animations. It can be used for couples looking for a quick getaway, a Role Player looking for a private area to enhance their scene, or someone in need of their own private space.

All furniture is copiable except the urinals which are no mod/no copy/transfer. The showers can be used by couples or individual avatars. The urinals, showers, sinks and benches all come with quality animations. The lighting is menu driven with various colors that can be used.

The furniture located in the skybox is not nailed down to the entire box, so customers can re-arrange or completely remove certain pieces if they choose.

Your skybox can be rezzed easily using a rez box that comes with your purchase. A few simple clicks and adjustments, and your box will be set up with NO headaches!

Would you like to see the skybox in world before purchase? Visit Dirty Boxes at:


All skyboxes are conveniently located within the Vendors.

In addition, if you like what you see or enjoy your purchase, please be kind and leave a review :) Join our group for updates and news! Check out our FREE Store Gifts in world or the SL Marketplace. DIRTY BOXES thanks you!

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See item in Second Life
  • Fully Furnished: 257 Prims|Without Furniture: 50 Prims
  • Size: 20x20|Menu Driven Lighting w/Color Options
  • Fully Functional Shower w/Single & Couple Animtions
  • Animations in Sink, Toilets, Urinals & Benches
Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted February 25, 2015 by Ford Carver

Super great build if you want it just as it is more or less. The permissions are off (copy) had to rezz several times to get pieces that I wanted as shift+copy doesn't work (for example towels) and I would have preferred a full mod/copy build.... otherwise super well done

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