These low-prim, high-detail trees are suitable for your garden, your secret hide-away, your spooky dead forest, or just about anything else you might want some deciduous trees for!
trees come in 5 different leaf colours, two of which have only bare branches.
trunks come in either "normal" or "thin".
all trees come in 2 sizes: "normal" or "megaprim".
all trees are based on the same 3 sculpts.
trunk textures have baked shading.
box contains: 20 different trees (see images for the 10 smaller sized ones)
*resizing the megaprim trees will result in shrinking down to 10m, which is the starting size of the "normal" trees. use care when editing them.
any questions, comments, or if you'd like to see them in-world, IM Kazuhiro Aridian.