G General

freestyle wave

freestyle wave

waves system for decorating your beach or for surf simulator

this model is freestyle version

compatible with all woking surfs , but they are not include in this package

-64 meters large
-low land impact
-auto level on the water
-4 water texture in a hud
-stop and go system
-select speed system
-3 launchers include with different chanels
-test mode
-lanch wave every 60 , 80 or 100s
-high LOD
-foam particles
-smooth born and die of the wave

don't buy before try a demo inworld

See item in Second Life
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Surf Wave
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 01, 2021 by Betty Helstein

Nice Surf Wave, very good!!! The Best Rideable Wave that ever see, 100 %!!!

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Awesome Wave - Easy setup
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 03, 2019 by Filiponga

Jean is an artist, and a surf lover. This wave is a very important addition to our SIM. It is a great wave to ride, and looks fantastic, adding to the overall environment! Plus it is very simple to setup and adjust as much of a "plug&play" as you can think of inworld.

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