Keep up with visitors to your home or store with the goodstuff. Visitor Tracker (GSVT). Allows you to set the range, frequency of scan, IM alerts, and more. "Store Mode" allows you to give landmark, free gift, and/or group join to visitors. Keeps list of who's visited. You can clear it manually or let it automatically clear it for you. The GSVT has lots of options but is simple to use. Another great product by goodstuff.!
v1.4.1 adds Ban List! GSVT will automatically eject unwanted avatars. Just add them to the Ban List and away they go! Note: You must own the land.
v1.4.2 adds the ability to set a different group than the gsvt is set to using notecard.
v1.4.3 tweaks it a bit
- Keep up with visitors to your home or store.
- Menu-Driven: set scan range, IM alerts, more!
- Store Mode allows lm, free gift, and/or group join!
- Keeps list of who's visited.
- Eject unwanted avatars who are on the Ban List!