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#hashbang! - DEMO - Data Bracer

#hashbang! - DEMO - Data Bracer

Please note: this is the demo for several color variations. If you decide to buy the full version, please make sure you're buying the color you want!

A wrist mounted computer for your cyberpunk roleplay adventures. It includes animations for typing on the computer, and 4 animated displays for the screen, which can be opened or closed, or changed with the HUD.

Here's the included notecard with more details:

There are 2 versions in the package, with animations for male (M) and female (F) shapes. They still might not work for all shapes and sizes, but I tried to make it fit a bit of a range so we're not typing on air... Here's what the buttons on the HUD do:

Screen Buttons: Choose from 4 different animated screens: Prompt, diagram, chat and loading.
Animation Buttons: Choose animations from:
Off (which will close the bracer),
Look (which will animate the hand wearing it to hold it up and look at it),
Type (which will also animate the other hand to type) and
Type Fast (which will... type faster...)
Color Buttons: The 8 color buttons will change the color of the glow in the seams and between the keys as well as the color of the text on the screen. The colors can be customized by using "select face" in build mode and then choosing a new color in the texture tab. Please make a copy of the HUD before you do that in case something goes wrong!
Glow Buttons: The bottom buttons change the glow levels in the seams and between the keys.