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iMPACT! Lazy Lounge Pants [WINTER] - REZ or ADD ME

iMPACT! Lazy Lounge Pants  [WINTER] - REZ or ADD ME

!! Please read before you purchase this item !!
* The clothing is Copy/No Mod/No Transfer . If you wish to give this to someone, please "Add To Cart As Gift" or visit the inword store and send a gift through the vendor
* If you are unsure, please try the Demo
* All of the textures and designs have been designed specifically for the collection, and as usual, each item includes the custom iMPACT Texture HUD - which allows you to have more than one product without cluttering up your inventory. A press of a button gets you in a different style before you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
* Materials enabled

* To unpack this item, simply open your inventory, right click on the package you received and choose "Add"; then wait for the magic to happen. If you insist on going old school, feel free to rez it and click the box.
* Requires a Mesh Enabled Viewer (Ok seriously, if you are not using a mesh enabled viewer by now, go outside and throw a ball or something)
* You may need to use the Alpha HUD provided with your body for some clothing to cover skin that shows through with some poses/animations
* If this product is not delivered, please send me a notecard with the transaction details and i'll redeliver it.
* Make sure you are not 'busy' or 'away' in game when you buy on Marketplace (this may cause deliver failures)
* If you like the product, please leave a review; if there was a problem, please contact me to see if we can resolve the issue

*About this product
* This item was created to be compatible with a variety of Avatars, but you should be familiar with the use of Alpha HUDs and Alpha Layers. I cannot provide support or troubleshooting for that purpose. If parts of you stick out, please make adjustments using your avatar's Alpha HUD.

*To Change Patterns
* The included HUD is very simple; click a button, change the pattern.
* Unfortunately, as much as I wish it was otherwise, I have no control over lag. The tradeoff for having a HUD - and not a bazillion individual pair of pants - is that you are at the mercy of the grid. But trust me, the HUD works. So swears Inspector 17.

* If you purchase a different colour of the same item, it will on the first item you purchased. This was done to allow you to cut down on your inventory - who wants a gazillion of the same item?

* The main item is distributed as No Mod & No Transfer; this means that you can't give them away/sell them and they can only be changed with an approved HUD.
* The HUD is distributed as No Transfer; this is because you may want to resize it on your screen, but be careful - if you break it, you'll need to go to my store in world to replace it

If you have any problems, suggestions, etc. please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks again for your patronage.