G General

☰ inVerse ☰ PBR Material - Parquet # 5

☰ inVerse ☰ PBR Material -  Parquet # 5

Full perm seamless high resolution material maps.

Preassembled PBR material + Diffuse/normal/roughness textures.

1024x1024 .png


Buying this item you agree to the following Terms of Use:

•you don't get the rights on the maps which remain the exclusive property of inVerse, but only the license to use them to create items that you can sell only as part of your creation.
•Is not allowed to sell or distribute these textures both copy and transf permissions, as freebie or dollarbie and/or as part of a Business in a box, on Second Life world and in others platforms.
•Our textures are licensed to be used within Second Life world only. Is not allowed to export it in other grids.

Infingments of these terms of use will be subjected to DMCA.