G General

ionic : Munch (Geometric wall decor)

ionic : Munch  (Geometric wall decor)

ionic : Munch (Geometric wall decor)

Event Equal Marzo 2020

Original created and packed by ionic :
SET Mistica

This is a beautiful objetc, This is a pretty Geometric wall decor, which is part of the Mistica set! wiith wonderful and realistic details. Made with the best quality! Este es un hermoso objeto, Esta es una bonita decoración geométrica de pared, que forma parte del set Mística! Está hecho con maravillosos y realistas detalles! en conclusión hecho con excelente calidad!

Oʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟ ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛ


*This is a Gacha Item I am not the creator therefore I can´t refund or redeliver the item.
*MESH TRANSFER item it means this is NOT a COPY item. You get just ONE item. You CAN`T make a copy.
* WARNING : If you lost the item I can not replace the item. NO REFUND! I double check the items therefore there are no empty boxes!
*This is the policy of ALL Gacha resellers on the MarketPlace.
*No-copy items are handled differently than standard Marketplace items. When you purchase these items, they don’t automatically go into your Received Items folder.
*If you don’t have auto-accept turned on, you’ll get a dialogue box asking if you want to “Accept” or “Discard” the inventory offer. If you accidentally hit “Discard” the item is lost forever. After you hit “Accept” the item will be in your Objects folder. It may take a minute or so to be delivered, so do not log out or teleport after placing an order.
*Sending a TRANSFER item as a gift fails the majority of the time. All items are transfer, so please pass them yourself.
*Only buy one item at a time
*Do not add to cart as a gift. Please pass it yourself.
*Please don´t buy if you are not inwold or at a laggy place or not set to away or anything that are causes of an delivery failure. If you lost the item I can not replace the item

  • MESH
  • DECO