IRRISISTIBLE SHOP : because your dreams are my passion
PLEASE TAKE A TIME TO READ ATTENTIVELY EACH ANNOUNCE BEFORE PURCHASE ( all informations are write inside and if you've one doubt , please let me a notecard ) from 2019 i refused to refund money if you make error to buy one item without read , you're responsible of your purchases , i'm not responsible to your error thanks for your comprehention
copy modify
irrISIStible creation
lovely and beautiful backdrop for photos with plants and flowers (you buy exactly all pieces you can see in vendor picture )
perfect ! 3 textures change included (just click on walls , for choising texture in menu)
scripted water move and sparkling on a floor
so romantic <3
more nice in second life world .NO BAD SURPRISED, NO HARD PICTURE TREATMENT you buy exactly all you can see on photos
I created with my heart ... my job of buildeur is above all a passion, without pretention, your dreams are my inspiration and my engine, thank you ♥
you like atypicals , magicals and fantasy outfits , avatars and builds ? then comes to visit irrISIStible shop
see you soon maybe :) ... welcome to my world ..
ps: IF YOU'VE A PROBLEM WITH MY CREATION YOU MUST SEND ME A NOTECARD ON 7 DAYS ( not IM please , just one notecard with your name , transaction date , name item ) MAXIMUM AFTER YOUR SELL . i refused all types of claims after 7 days (it's a rulls of alls shops on net real or sl ) thanks for your comprehention