G General

[ity.] Asteroid Scouts Transformation Wands

[ity.] Asteroid Scouts Transformation Wands

These are fanmade Asteroid Senshi wands. In the Manga, Sailor Minimoon has her own gang of scouts, who were the Amazonian Quartet originally.

Their names are Sailor Ceres, Sailor Vesta, Sailor Pallas, and Sailor Juno.

These don't exist in the Anime or the Manga so I made these off the top of my head doing my best to keep it loyal to the show. The wands all feature crescent moons, to symbolize the Quartet team's loyalty to the Moon Kingdom and they all feature a pink stone to represent their loyalty to Princess and Queen of the moon. Inside the orbs is the greek symbols of the 4 major asteroids, just like all the scouts have for their respectable planets.


  • custom sculpts