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lfox Blinds - Vinyl Bright White

lfox Blinds - Vinyl Bright White

With these hand-made blinds, you will be able to add a touch texture script and change between five different looks. Available with a vinyl look or a fabric weave texture in many popular colors. Can be stretched to any size window and still look authentic.

*BEFORE YOU BUY - You may not place these textures in a prim, add a script and sell them as your own creation. You may not make a window, add my blinds textures and sell it as your own. You may not add my blinds to a window texture and sell the new texture as your own.

YOU MAY take the textures, add a script and add it to a build you intend to resell. This is the only way you may resell my blinds.

Please visit Lauren's Tiling Textures in Ranunculus for all your texture needs

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 07, 2010 by Snake Reich

They dont work infront of windows because they are half transparent and crash with another transparent prim.

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