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lfox Japanese Tatami Mat Textures

lfox Japanese Tatami Mat Textures

Six, full perm, highly detailed and shaded tatami mat textures. Six different fuchi edgings, including the traditional black. These are authentic Japanese tatami mat textures.

Insert on lower right shows the true texture.

From Lauren's Tiling Textures in Ranunculus.

*If the textures in this box happen to be marked "Full Permissions", it means you can apply the textures to anything of your own creation and then sell it. You may not resell my textures alone, they have to be applied to an object.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 21/11/2012 de DOMINIQUEX

Nice texture!!

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 7/2/2010 de Princess Ivory

lfox's typical high quality! Very nice.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 28/11/2007 de Malia Writer

This item is exactly what it says it is, a box of TEXTURES. (I recommend the previous reviewer visit the Ivory Tower of Prims and learn some basics about building.)

The six textures are clean and sharp, and the permissions are exactly as advertised. Very happy with the quality.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 25/9/2007 de Lexus Bosch

Disapointed. I didn't get the main part in order for it to work. I've contacted the maker, waiting response.

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