G Général

lfox Teak Borders - Breakfast Room

lfox Teak Borders - Breakfast Room

These bordered walls have moldings at the top and bottom and match all my Real Paint Wainscot Walls. Each box contains 6 wall textures and a free coordinating tiling plank that can be used for floors. These also closely match the Lfox Blocked Wood Floors. Available separately are 16 full-length paneled walls and all 82 colors of Real Paint samples to match the sets in the Real Paint series.

More sets coming soon.

*due to resizing for Slexchange, picture quality is not as good as in the game.

From Lauren's Tiling Textures in Lotus and Lauren's Tiling Textures Express in Ranunculus. Also visit Lfox and JP Real Furniture Designs in Ranunculus.

*If the textures in this box are marked "Full Permissions", it means you can apply the textures to anything of your own creation and then sell it. You may not resell my textures alone, they have to be applied to an object.

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