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::mystic petites:: woodland petite couple campfire rock Version 1

::mystic petites:: woodland petite couple campfire rock

This listing is for the stand-alone woodland petite couple campfire rock for small mesh avatars (petite, immortal) avatars.

Individual couple woodland rocks, campfire or woodland campfire couple set is sold separately in the shop or see related items below.

If you would like the standard avatar version, go here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/mystic-woodland-couple-campfire-rock-standard-AV/4527153


✽ only 2 prims
✽ custom sculpt, texture with shading
✽ 6 smooth solo sit chill animations
✽ 3 couple cuddle animations and one 1 1/2 minute sequenced animation of all
✽ 3 solo campfire animations
✽ give inventory: marshmallow stick
✽ menu driven, nPose adjustable sit target
✽ mod


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keyword: MPD

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