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-o-o- CH -o-o- Desert Heat Chalwar with Appliers - Blue

-o-o- CH -o-o- Desert Heat Chalwar with Appliers - Blue

-o-o- Chained Heat -o-o- Desert Heat Chalwar!
Demos are always available inside our store.
Feedback is appreciated to help others find our store and enjoy our items.

Enjoy Desert Heat as a roleplay Chalwar, or Arabian, Gypsy dance outfit.

Each set includes:

Omega and Maitreya Appliers
Mesh pants
Mesh top

Matching Jewelry set

Belly ring

Six colors are available on marketplace and in our in-world store location.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we had fun designing them.

A B O U T U S:
Established 2007, -o-o-Chained Heat-o-o- is a quality purveyor of role play, medieval,
and sensual moment clothes and accessories.
Select from our online or in-world store collections of role-play outfits to teasingly
sensual silks suitable anywhere.
To ensure the best shopping experience for Y O U, in-world we use the Casper networked
vendor system, Low Lag, Texture pre-caching, and products are provided by CasperTech
servers that have multiple backups from multiple locations in-world.
Redelivery of the copy items you have bought from us is A L W A Y S available from our
main store, Caspertech, or any Casper redelivery terminal.
We own our full sim for Low Lag, no changing SURL, easy shopping.
~Our Blog~
To keep you up-to-date, our blog highlights our new releases.

S T O R E P O L I C Y:
No legalese.
"We treat customers as we would wish to be treated."
We want you to be happy with your purchase.
If for any reason you are not happy, we will make it right.
Contact owners- Razzy Riggles or Priya Blaisdale
F A Q s
Our new builds make use of SL's most advanced resizer system.
It is the same one used in the best weapons systems used in combat sims.
1 script, ultra-low lag, resize bigger and smaller, and yes deletable.
Some previous builds will use an older system. While it was a very good script, you
deserve the best. We will replace those scripts free of charge upon request.
Please IM Priya Blaisdale or Razzy Riggles.
~Standard Sizing~
Our Mesh clothing is based on Standard Sizing Shaping. Exceptions will be pointed out in
ads and text. You can get the Standard-Sized Shapes here for free:
~Mesh Resizing~
Rigged mesh cannot be resized. While this may seem like a negative the huge positive is
that it moves naturally with your body.
~ Fitted Mesh~
The benefit of this technique is that it allows Mesh clothing and avatars to be adjusted
using an avatar's Body Shape sliders in the Appearance Editor. This results in clothing
that can adjust and fit to your avatar's own personal body shape and style.
Make sure you are on a viewer that allows you to see fitted mesh!
Most of our items are copy.
Many reasons that benefit Y O U:
* Lost items are easily replaced through our redelivery terminal
* Modify items can be backed up in case of a serious error
* You can have multiple copies of the modified item in your inventory

See item in Second Life
  • Mesh Pants
  • Mesh Top
  • Omega and Maitreya Appliers
  • Matching Jewerly Set