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[plugin] Word Scrambler Contest Board Version 1.0

[plugin] Word Scrambler Contest Board
[plugin] Word Scrambler Contest Board
3 Reviews

The Word Scrambler Contest Board plug-in is super easy to use and provides powerful functionality for you and your visitors. All contests hosted by you or your managers will be viewable in real-time by other Word Scrambler players that visit the Word Scrambler website.

Contests can be hosted very easily by you or your managers (to see how you can add managers please refer to the ADDING MANAGERS section). Clicking the contest boards Admin button will provide you with a main menu where you can select Contest or choose to perform a product update check. Selecting Contest will take you through a series of steps to setup your contest.

You will first be presented to enter a time when the contest will end. Times must be entered in the following format, for example:


You must separate each value with a comma. This is very important. If you make a mistake the contest board will let you know and prompt you to re-enter the necessary information.

Entering the following would set the contest to last (1 day, 3 hours, 45 minutes)


Go a head and click Submit. You will now be presented with a new menu that will offer you a range of contest types.

Contest types:
Var 3 – This contest will split the total prize money to the top 3 ranking players in the contest in the following percentages: 1st place = 50%, 2nd place = 30%, 3rd place = 20%. All other players that have partaken in the contest will receive nothing.

Split 5 – This contest will split the total prize money to the top 5 ranking players displayed on the contest board, each receiving 20% of the total prize money. All other players that have partaken in the contest will receive nothing.

1st Place – This contest is the simplest of them all. Only first place ranking player will receive the prize money. All other players that have partaken in the contest will receive nothing.

If no winners are present in any given contest type. The contest board will announce that no winners were found and no money will be given out.

Once you have selected your contest type you will be presented with another menu asking you to enter the total prize money that you would like to give during your contest. Minimum is L$10 with no set maximum.

Once you have entered how much should be given in the selected contest and clicked Submit, you will receive another menu asking you if you would like the contest to automatically reoccur when the current contest has ended. Previous players will not carry over to the next contest. The contest will start fresh and use previously selected and entered information.

Once you have made your selection you will be given a final menu prompting you to either start the contest or return to the main menu. Once the contest has started, its status will be sent to the Word Scrambler website and now other players will be able to see your contest active and teleport directly to your Word Scrambler game board.

Clicking the admin button again while a contest is active will give you or your managers the option to terminate the current active contest, or end + pay the current players based on the selected contest type.

Adding managers to your contest board is super easy. Inside the contest board you will find a notecard titled #management. To add a manager you would enter the following for example

manager=Stevoid Resident

You must always use the name associated with the avatar that would appear in search. No display names. You must use their legacy name. If your manager is unable to access the board after being added please recheck to make sure the information you entered is 100% correct.

You can add as many managers as you like but be aware the more you add the slower initial setup times will be. This should not be a problem for most unless you plan to add 100+ managers.

Managers and owner can also kick players from active contests by selecting Kick from the menu and entering their name that would appear exactly on the contest board.

Players, owners, managers can track their current contest @

If you would like to make suggestions or have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

- Stevoid Resident

See item in Second Life
  • Host a range of contests
  • Powerful management
  • Contests can be tracked online
  • Endless entertainment
  • Great tool to get a nice flow of traffic to your location
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Cheat on Contest Board!!!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 14, 2024 by Kasama Lagan

I'm trying to reach Stevoid for a cheating problem that I see on his contest board, no response by IM or NC, so I try to reach him on Discord, and there he bans me directly, the Scramber contest has a cheater who collects the money named "180" who therefore always collects the winnings he is probably Stevoid's because created at the same time.. The bot is placed first on the ranking and the points scroll almost every second, he does not try to say more except to ban me from his discord. All this is very suspicious, just like Linden who even bans these url addresses from his site. Beware of the scam!

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A Great Addition...
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted June 08, 2019 by Yoofaloof Pacer complement the main game. Nicely designed. Great options.

Although I feel I've wasted my money and won't be using it from now on until some sort of anti-cheat mechanism is incorporated due to cheaters.

Actually confronted one today. Scrambled word came up, a couple of seconds pass, correct answer entered. No errors. Repeat. And it wasn't a word you could guess just from looking at it either.

'Which anagram solver, do you use?' I asked, watching from my vantage point. He hadn't seen me TP in this time.

'My brain.' came the reply.

Well, I beg to differ.

Thought I'd maybe tripped his train of thought and lost him a couple of seconds, but no...another word correct.

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L$ 800

Adding to cart as gift


MB Creations
Sold by: Stevoid

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 19