G General

post office drop box

post office drop box

Full perm ~ not to be resold as is or full perm ~
This post office drop box is a 3 prim(land impact) 100% Mesh object that comes already textured.

You may retexture it, use it in other builds, script it, use it for your own personal use.

It may only be resold under the following conditions.

1. it may not be re-sold as full perm and must be set to either no copy or no transfer.

2. It can not be added to a gatcha unless significant changes have been made to it. for example Sitter and animations added, Texture changed, or other significant improvements that make it unique. (this does not mean you can use a freebie script in it and call it good, that is not a significant change and does not make it unique)

3. Include it as a fixture to a build, remember to set it as either no copy, or no transfer.

I do not provide the uv map to the object but I will send you the texture after purchase if you request it so that you can change and modify it. Less uploads for me is what keeps the price low for you.

As stated the object is 3 prim (land impact) and has only a single texture. (single face)