psiNaN's patented Power Crystal Containment System is guaranteed to protect you from the harmful radiation and temporal anomaly activity caused by high-energy unobtainium crystals! By way of drawing energy from the crystals themselves, our light weight containment unit is capable of ensuring that no leakage ever occurs!
The Power Crystal is a decorative or roleplay item that comes with three variations (contained/shielded, deactivated/knocked over, free floating). Each has its own scripted effects including particles, texture animations and animated hovering. All three variants include a menu for switching through 8 different colors on owner touch (blue, red, green, orange, yellow, cyan, violet, white).
We hope you enjoy this product and remind you not to stare directly into the crystal for extended periods of time! :P
-Skye Flakes, [psiNaN] CEO
- Contains real unobtainium (no not the avatar stuff) crystals! :D
- Utilized full materials for exceptional look!
- Floaty, crystally, spacey magic stuff!
- FDA Approved for treatment of 813 diseases! (not really)
Great little item...
I use them for lamps but these guys would look cool anywhere...get one before the price goes up.