Thanks for shopping at smesh ♥
The Demo Top comes in:
Maitreya Lara / Petite
Legacy / Perky
Belleza Freya / Isis
Slink Hourglass
The Demo Shorts comes in:
Maitreya Lara
Belleza Freya / Isis
Slink Hourglass
You can try textures and transparency via HUD
Enjoy your Second Life ^_^
Sakira Mirabella
- Maitreya, petite, Legacy, Perky, Slink Hourglass, Belleza Freya HUD Driven
- HUD Driven
Could have promise
I was in hopes there would be a version of the shorts without saying all over it, in other words normal ie plain, but sadly um no! All versions of the shorts have writing on them which I feel just looks bad. Also, the shorts have large ties on the sides as well which cannot be see in the picture. The top well there is not plain clean looking top. If the shorts did not have the ties on the sides and no writing; in other words simply normal with normal colors and the the top had the same colors this would like be a 5 star. Looking at the picture from a distance even gives that impression. So far I have not been able to find what I am looking for and for that reason suspect if these were changed or another version was created they would be popular.