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[subSCRIPTion] MM Recovery Timer Version 1.0

[subSCRIPTion] MM Recovery Timer


Hi and thank you for considering my MM Recovery timer!

This little gadget is designed to work with the Muffin's Milkers System!

It keeps track of breeding cooldown for you so you don't have to watch the time in between breeding.

In addition it also keeps track of a good time to feed (namely the approximate time when the *F* bonus runs out) and the total number of times you have successfully fed your livestock, so that you don't spend time overfeeding.

In the box are 2 versions, one keeping track of feeds and breeds. The other one only keeps track of breeds, in case you have much livestock feeding themselves from the fridge (which the recover timer can't track as it doesn't know about that feed).

Disclaimer: Not associated with Muffin's Milkers in any way. The Recovery timer is not intended to be 100% accurate (as that would create lag). Also be aware that you can easily feed before it tells you (until it tells you livestock is fully fed) It is intended to help your livestock get the largest time bonus from feeds.

See item in Second Life
  • Easy setup!
  • Rez, move, touch, forget
  • Helps keep track of cooldown