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swim & dive animations(full perms) Versión 1

swim & dive animations(full perms)

Dive bomb

Posebal included

  • Full perms dive animations
  • modify,copy,transfer
  • dive,dive bomb,salto,backstroke,butterfly
  • posebal
  • full animations
Clasificación media: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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  • 2 estrella:
  • 1 estrella:
Not very good sadly
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publicado July 04, 2017 por Chaz Longstaff

the three swim ones are "in place", so you have to use them with a AO and use your arrows to move yourself long -- meaning, you can't use them in MLP or AVsitter. The motions aren't bad, but are a tad on the frenetic side.

The three dive ones -- the motions aren't bad, all end suddenly and weirdly, not naturally.

Two of those three had the wrong perms and were no transfer.

I guess these are all quite dated and from someone who was learning and showed a bit of promise but then stopped advancing in the craft.

I wouldn't buy again. They probably should be retired completely from sale or released to the public domain as freebie fodder.

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