Just forged new sword, only 1 prim sculpted
package contains also sheath, 1 prim sculpted
both have handmade textures
i hope you will enjoy this product :)
Amazing sword at even more amazing price!
I didn't expect a lot from L$10 but I'm really impressed with this blade. Its so hard to find a European sword with sheath at this kind of price. The sword and sheath are 1 sculpt each with a nice realistic texture. The 'sword in sheath' is just one placed inside the other so you can easily drop show/hide scripts into the sword prims to 'draw' them. The best thing is they can easily be scaled, so you can make it into a 2h, dagger, or throwing knife. Even a Petite could use this blade. Although Might be worth picking up the full perm version so you can give them to your alts.