──── ・NOTICE・ ────
This is a mod kit, not a full avatar! Please read below for what you need.
──── ・MOD KIT INCLUDES・ ────
• BoM skins for M/F.
-- Variety of body type skin shading. Slim, chubby, muscular, etc.
-- Larger and smaller breast shading options.
• BoM head for Anima Fabled Fox.
-- Also has BoM mouth, eyebrows, and optional cheek fluff shading.
• Textures for Anima Fabled Fox ears and tail.
• Texture for MOR Kitsune Tail.
• Eyelid tattoos in pink, black, and brown.
-- Fits both default and alt lash options.
• Nose tattoos in pink, black, and brown.
• Body shapes for M/F.
-- Made on Legacy F/M so may not suit other bodies without editing.
• Extensive instructions, including video instructions.
-- New players should be able to put this together reasonably easily.
──── ・LINKS・ ────
FABLED FOX HEAD: (required)
FEETY PEETS: (required)
Female: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Apricot-Paws-Feety-Peets-Female/14288379
Male: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Apricot-Paws-Feety-Peets-Male/14862698
MOR KITSUNE TAIL: (optional)
- BoM skins for M/F
- BoM head for Anima Fabled Fox
- Textures for Anima Fabled Fox ears and tail
- Texture for MOR Kitsune Tail
- Tattoos for eyebrows and flesh colours