WELCOMER (falling characters :)
____________ ENGLISH:________________________
Thanks for your interesting in this product.
The Rezer Welcomer is a nice tool for greeting people come with 3D sculpted letters and numbers.
In short:
The Welcomer will Greet you like this (Phrase + Avatar Name):
After 4 seconds the characters become phisical and fall down for gravity and after more 4 seconds they disappear. So, in land your number prim limit is saved.
-- Every name displayed (letters and numbers)
-- Greeting Phrase "WELCOME" modifiable
-- letters skin modifiable
-- sensor distance modifiable
-- greeting rate modifiable
____________________ WELCOMER INSTRUNCIONS ____________________________
With this helper you learn how to change the greeting phrase,
to change sensor distance,
to change the greeting rate and more.
Rez the Welcomer in any position.
-- Touch for HELP.
---------------------- ROTATIONS ----------------------
-- Rotate the Box to rotate the written. All rotations allowed. To orient the written, rotate Z axis. To tilt the written, rotate X and Y axis.
Command to type in chat:
---------------------- ON and OFF ----------------------
-- When you rez the box it stars greeting you. Sometimes you need to stop and restart it.
/7 start (to start the welcomer)
/7 stop (to stop the welcomer)
It works only with Owner commands.
---------------------- PHRASE ----------------------
-- To change the word "WELCOME", type somenthing other, like:
/7 hello
---------------------- SCANNER ----------------------
-- The Welcomer will greet people every some seconds, depending on the scanner velocity.
To change scanner velocity type
/7 10
where 10 can be changed with a number from 5 up (default 5)
Example: /7 12 (scans every 12 seconds)
---------------------- SENSOR DISTANCE ----------------------
-- People will be greeted depending their distances from the Welcomer.
To change scanner distance type
/8 10
where 10 (deafult 7) can be changed with a number from 2 up to 98
Example: /8 10 (scans for 10 meters around)
---------------------- EXAMPLE ----------------------
-- Example: you want to greet people like "hello there" (plus name), with a rate of 15 seconds and with people distant 20 meters.
Type following:
/ 7 hello there
/7 15
/8 20
---------------------- SKIN ----------------------
You can extract the two objects inside the content of the Box, "letter" and "q"
and modify their skins like texture and color.
Then put the modified objects inside the Box in place of the original ones.
I developed other Tools, of the Master Tools Project.
If you need a Tool to Rez 3D Sculpted Prim Phrases I can suggest you my
rezBox: https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=item&ItemID=1421597
____________ ITALIANO: ________________________
Grazie per aver mostrato interesse per questo prodotto.
Il Rezer Welcomer è un simpatico tool per salutare le persone arrivate, con frasi in 3D fatte da prim scolpite, lettere e numeri.
Guarda il video:
In breve:
Il Welcomer ti Saluterà in questo modo (Frase + Nome Avatar):
Dopo 4 secondi i caratteri diventano fisici e cadono giù per gravità, dopo altri 4 secondi scompaiono. Così, nella land il tuo limite di prim è salvo.
-- Ogni nome può essere visualizato (lettere e numeri)
-- Frase di saluto "WELCOME" modificabile
-- aspetto delle lettere modificabile
-- distanza del sensore modificabile
-- tasso di apparizione del saluto modificabile
____________________ WELCOMER ISTRUZIONI ____________________________
Con questo helper scopri come cambiare la frase di saluto,
come cambiare la distanza del sensore,
come cambiare il tasso di apparizione del saluto e altro.
Rezza il Welcomer in qualsiasi posizione.
-- Clicca la Box per avere un HELP.
---------------------- ROTAZIONE ----------------------
-- Ruota la Box per ruotare la scritta. Tutte le rotazioni sono ammesse. Per orientare la scritta, ruota lungo l'a
L$ 299
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