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{ wren's nest } Ivy DEMO shape for LeLutka Greer

{ wren's nest } Ivy DEMO shape for LeLutka Greer

This DEMO shape was designed for a very specific bento/mesh head and Maitreya mesh body. This shape does NOT work with classic avatars.

This shape was designed for a very specific skin (see style card). It may work with other skins, but it is best with the recommended skin. This skin is a gacha item!

DEMOs are copy only. When purchasing full version you get copy and modify rights plus a style card.

DEMO shape has VERY BIG hands and very short arms for DEMO purposes. Full version includes normal hand and arm sizes.

Please use the provided { wren's nest} Eyebrow shapes included in the folder. Different eyebrow shapes change a face dramatically

☎ For customer service, please contact WrenNoir Cerise by notecard.

Thank you ♡

⚡ ⚠ IMPORTANT NOTE: Maitreya Lara Mesh Body & Bento Mesh Head are NOT included. You need to purchase these items from their creators

⚡ ⚠ FULL style card provided in the FULL shape, including LMs

⚡ ⚠ We are not responsible if other stores (skins, hair, etc.) change location or decide to discontinue a product

See item in Second Life
  • 3 DEMO Shapes for LeLutka Greer Bento head
  • 3 DEMO Eyebrow shapes for LeLutka Greer Bento head
  • 1 Style card (limited info)