Vendido por: Betty Scorpio
Te has unido: May 28, 2009

Mesh and applier clothing, mesh shoes and accessories, nail appliers, standard sizing shapes.
Clothing appliers include SLink Physique, Maitreya Lara, Belleza Venus, The Mesh Project, and Omega system.
Mesh and Shapes for standard sizing.
All shapes come in the five standard sizing for Mesh clothing. Some shapes are modifiable, those that are sold 50% off are copy only.
Demos are provided for mesh items and shapes. Please try demo before purchasing.
Nails and shoes sold by Klepsydra are made to be worn with SLink hands and feet. Please note that hands and feet are not provided and are sold by the SLink store.


Please try a demo before purchasing. No refunds accepted for no transfer items.
For double purchases please contact Betty Scorpio.

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