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LaRosa Virtual World Fashion!!!
Sold by: larosa Kohime
Joined: March 11, 2007

Back after 10 years......
LaRosa stands for creativity coupled with economy. From the beginning on, the aim was to create high quality fashion with attention to detail which should be affordable for any Second Life resident. That’s what makes LaRosa special compared to other fashion labels.
While other fashion designers demand much money, LaRosa is quotes the most favourable prices so that the label is getting more and more popular. Many avatars attach great importance to premium quality without spending thousands of Linden Dollars for fashion. Those are getting avid LaRosa customers. Most of them even own the complete product line.
LaRosa was founded by larosa Kohime on 2008, May 18th formally known as L.K. Design. At the beginning a mainstore was run amongst living houses and various shops in Augsburg. Due to the great success during the first time the mainstore had to move to its own Low-Prim. At 2008, September 20th one more relocation to the Full-Sim LaRosa was necessary. During all that LaRosa never lost the focus on what was essential: Affordable fashion for all female and male SL residents including outstanding customer support.


All our Products are Copyable and Modify but no transfer. Script based products showing "no modify" but you can modify over Menue or HUD.
No exchange of our goods!
No Refund. No delivery to your Alts. For Alts please use the Gift Funktion in the Marketplace.
© CopyRight!
All creative works under the Label "LaRosa" are copyrighted and protected.

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