![Pink Soul Pink Soul](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/30210013/regular/PS%20MP%20Store%20image.jpg?1631533052)
- Profile
Clothing, Accessories, Furniture, buildings and more! =-Pink Soul-= Sells Nanite Systems items and accessories, Scifi Furniture accessories and vehicles, clothing for LL avi's, mesh petite avis, accessories for Kemono, as well as all mesh furniture and buildings/structures meant for petites and normal human height avatars. Tired of buying a house or furniture meant for 8-meter giants? Buy from =-Pink Soul-=! Gacha, and free gifts available in my in-world store!
- Policies
Read Carefully Before Buying, demos available in-world for most items. Lifetime updates on most products! Join the group to stay informed!