- Profile
My name is Rhiver. I am the designer and creator behind the Gorean clothing line, Captive. My goal as a designer is to create realistic looking and functional clothing for the characters within the Second Life Gorean Roleplay Sims. My outfits do not defy gravity to magically stay where they should, but are artfully and carefully crafted by hand to cover where they should and how they should while still giving a taste of that sensuality the women on Gor so desire.
- Policies
[x] Pay attention to what you are buying and who you are sending them to! I have no problem with Redeliveries, but I will not refund or send you something that you did not pay for. If you want red, buy the red not the blue. I'm very sorry, but my outfits are non transferable...
[x] I do have a mainstore in-world if you prefer making purchases there.
[x] I am not taking on models.