- Profile
Fierce Body BoutiQue is focusing on being your SkinCare Provider. Keeping the Beautiful You upto date with a flawless look. Visit us today we have a wide selection of ladies skins.Womens Skin, Ebony Skin, Caucasian Skin, Black Skin, Urban Skin, Latino Skin, Indian Skin,Spanish ,Mexican, African Skinz, Shapes , Thick Shapes, Ghetto Shapes, Makeup, Sexy, Clothing, Free Skin, Saturday midnight Mania, Natural Body Shine & Gloss, Haitian, Puerto Rican, Hawaiian, Ivory, African American
- Policies
All products are as is, Any items that's No Transfer, Can not be refunded. There will be No Refunds or Exchanges 2009-2013. Most Skin Sold here come with a demo here or in my store, Unless item on here is mark as Marketplace Item Only. For Duplicate Purchases Send me a Note Card of your Marketplace transactions in full, from your web acct to my inworld acct. Note Linden Labs charges a 10% fee