- Profile
We created the GDC Suite System with low prim usage in mind.
Our Suite System (the skybox) is priced at just 1 linden.
It doesn't include any rooms, however all our rooms are affordable and are very easy to install into the Suites System.
At the click of a button you can transform your living-room into a bedroom or a beach and never using more than 200 prims (including the skybox).
We already have a vast amount of rooms available.
For Customer Support, please place a notecard in our mailbox inworld. See my picks (GrimDeathCo Resident) for teleport.
- Policies
Our goal is to provide high quality, low prim designs at an amazing price with regards to the GDC Suite System.
All items in our Suite System are No Mod/No Trans.
Most of these rooms will NOT work without the suites rezzing system.
For Customer Support, please place a notecard in our mailbox inworld. See my picks (GrimDeathCo)
ITEMS ARE COPY ONLY - No Refunds will be given