- Profile
Welcome to Satori Starships and Gadgets.
Version 4.7 is complete. The TOS virtual cpu and APIs have been further optiomized and enhanced.
Performance on all ships have also been improved such that the impact on the sim is greatly reduced.
Full docs are on Google Drive:
Ships' main features
- Menu Hud access to all functions
- Pilot Touch Panels for main functions
- Communications Grid Wide Network
- Navigation uses landmark files or inworld Sim Map
- Drop Ships auto-dock and return
- Manual and Auto-Aim weapons
- Manual and Auto-Pilot navigation
- Multi weapons systems
- Auto Homing Seeker missiles
- Sim Cross Over capable
- Teleporter Tube for ship entry and landmarksTOS acts as the ship's multi-core CPU and performs ship related functions, as programmed using notecards as macro scripts.
TOS 3.7
All products use a series of custom scripts which form a Library of APIs, the APIs are 'glued' together using a Bash Shell type script, which uses notecards as source macro code.
All of which I call TOS (Tao Operating System).
Rev3.7 changes
Script impact on sim performance has been greatly improved.
All TOS (Tao Operation System) scripts have been updated and enhansed.
User access to auto-piloting parameters are available, and a new 'pilot AutoData' will allow a user to generate a flight map for the ship to follow, using a notecard to hold a sequence of commands to follow.
'AutoData' may be driven by a remote notecard, rather than the ones in the ships' inventory.
- Policies
Products that are purchased but not delivered due to SL glitches or accidental loss will be replace upon request.
All buyers are entitled to free updates, as they occur.
Current rev is 4.7
Generally, products that have been upgrade or fixes applied, will immediately be delivered to all buyers.
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Satori Starships and Gadgets by Satori Taringa
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Satori Starships and Gadgets by Satori Taringa
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Satori Starships and Gadgets by Satori Taringa
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Satori Starships and Gadgets by Satori Taringa
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Satori Starships and Gadgets by Satori Taringa
Satori Starships and Gadgets by Satori Taringa
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