2 Prim Starry Nights Frame - Slideshow of your own pictures
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This is a dynamic frame that will allow you to have a huge number of pictures (preferably square ones so you avoid distortion) placed in the Content Tab and switched every 10 seconds with the next one in list.
The frame itself is a sculpted one prim, made to resemble 4 pieces of wood put together in a seemingly childish way (intended look), a back support that will make it start on a desk and a 3d star on front side. All this comes in one prim.
I added another prim to display the picture itself in crystal clear clarity.
The frame is modifiable, so it will allow you to change it's size, enlarging or shrinking it at will. I would not recommend changing the texture for the frame itself, if u do it, you will not be very happy with losing the good looking textures, as we are dealing with a sculpt here, and they don't look as good with one regular texture. Do it at your own risk.
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