G Generell

サイコ - 5 POSE BENTO // MESH EARTH Version Priority 4



The poses inside are with a priority of 4.
If you see that your pose or your hands are defective, just go and slightly modify the shape (physical shape) to adapt them to your body. The poses were made with Blender (Avastar) and imported and worn on a Slink Hourglass body.

Contents of the folder :

- includes 1 notecard // info
- includes 1 mesh earth
- includes 5 pose bento
- includes 1 poseball

If you have any questions or problems, please continue reading below to get explanations and general questions from other users that we are asked and may be helpful to you.


Only a small part of the many questions I have been asked are collected below. If you don't know how second life works and you are a little hesitant about buying items on the marketplace, go to:
• https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/
• https://www.youtube.com/user/Secondlife/playlists

• Oops I bought something but once it opens at home it's not the same anymore, why?
When buying a product on the market, you need to read the descriptions carefully. If you don't understand the content, use a translator.
Each product has its own description and the ability to preview the content of the item you are about to purchase in the CONTENTS tab. If you are not convinced by the content or the description (obviously before buying) contact the creator or the shopkeeper I know it's a titanic effort and many times the creators take days to answer you but what you are spending is real money. Be patient your efforts will be rewarded.
Moral of the story? Don't buy compulsively.

• I purchased a product and it was not delivered to me what can I do?
Before contacting us, try to redelivery the product. If you don't know how to do it, follow these little steps:
Step1 Log in to Second Life Web and go to this shortcut https://marketplace.secondlife.com/orders
Step2 Under "My order history" you will find a writing "Product: " with a white space where you will have to enter the name of your article and then press "SEARCH". If you are a new user with a few years of shopping behind you, the page should load a few seconds if instead you have years and years of shopping behind you you will have to wait a few minutes.

• Is it possible to have a demo of the article?
The demo is available only if on the right of the product you will find an inscription "Get the demo version". If you don't find the writing, it means that a DEMO has not been conceived for that particular article.

• Can I bring the things I buy into OpenSim?
No, we don't give any permission to bring our products into OpenSim!

• Can I pass the full permanent (plot, pose, animation, plot, script ...) that I just bought someone?
It is not allowed to give or sell these: meshes, animations, poses, scripts or parts thereof of any kind, with full permission.
It is not allowed to give (FULL PERMIT) to another avatar, ALT avatar, friends, partner.
You must not share / sell / distribute my products as "giveaways" or as gifts in AN EVENT!
If you are purchasing a full permanent network from our store, you are aware of owner-imposed rules and second-life TOS. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/158448
You assume full responsibility for any violation of the terms provided by PSYCHO either on the web listed below or through coverage of the DMCA.
Once you have pressed the buy button, you assume all responsibility for what you are about to buy and all its terms.

• My hands are not moving with priority 5 why?
If the animations of our property 5 won't move their fingers or hands it means that a priority of 6 is already running, our poses are all with priority 5, so they will never work with higher priorities than them. Our poses only work with priorities below 5 or equivalent.

• Is my body compatible with your tattoos?
Before purchasing any PSYCHO product, please make sure your body parts or other components are compatible with Bakes on Mesh (BoM) and Omega.

• Is it possible to have the tattoo or skin update in BoM?
Read the description carefully, if you see an article with the writing (BoM or Simple Body) it means that the update has been made otherwise it means that it has not been updated and no new updates will be made on the product.

Follow us for new updates and new products:
Flickr → https://www.flickr.com/photos/lpsychol/

  • Pose Bento
  • Priority 4
  • 5 Pose bento