~AB~ Xanthorrhoea Palm ~ Full Perm ~ 2 LI ~ Strong LODs
~AB~ Azalea Bluebell Full Permissions for Second Life is designed to give you a quality range of mesh products to enrich your Second Life and boost your creativity.
The item has a land impact (LI) of 2 in the size you receive it in. The size is about 9 meter. You can easily use different leaf textures on the foliage to suit your needs. The palm tree holds strong LODs too so can be seen from a distance as well without vanishing too fast.
Do not resell or distribute this item as a single object. Make sure you use it in a project when you decide to sell it, of course, you can always use it for personal use without restrictions.
Customer support is very important to me if you need any help please don't hesitate to contact me.
I would kindly ask you to take a minute of your time, to leave me a review. They are highly appreciated!
With Love, <3
Azalea Bluebell
L$ 199
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Dieser Artikel wird in Second Life direkt an Sie oder einen Freund geliefert. Er ist bereits ausgepackt und kann sofort verwendet werden. Es ist weder Land noch eine Sandbox erforderlich.
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