NO LAG Parcel traffic counter & recorder

Details Leistungsmerkmale Inhalt 4 Rezensionen


Parcel counter is also available as set of 10 or as set of 5.

This Mono compatible device uses brand new technology to record and report land statistics with NO LAG!!!
It will track average and miximum number of visitors per hour, day, month, year ...
Report will be sent daily by email and on request in open chat.
Read user manual below to find more about it.

See below device user manual:


You have purchased parcel counter from Agnes Chalet Creation. We hope you will enjoy it. Please read sinctructions below to put it online.

Counter functions
This device will record the traffic on a given parcel. It will then report to you average number of visitors and maximum number per hour, day, month, year ...
This result will be email to a list of email addresses every day or is accessible in chat on request.

Log content

See below an example of log received:

Statistics from ACC Parcel counter v1 Mono located on Queensferry:

Last hours records:
Hour 00 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 01 Average=0.017 Maximum=1
Hour 02 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 03 Average=0.417 Maximum=1
Hour 04 Average=0.400 Maximum=1
Hour 05 Average=0.017 Maximum=1
Hour 06 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 07 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 08 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 09 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 10 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 11 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 12 Average=0.033 Maximum=1
Hour 13 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 14 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 15 Average=0.000 Maximum=0
Hour 16 Average=0.409 Maximum=1

Last days records:
Day 09 Average=0.116 Maximum=1
Day 10 Average=0.037 Maximum=1
Day 11 Average=0.101 Maximum=1
Day 12 Average=0.116 Maximum=2
Day 13 Average=0.350 Maximum=2
Day 14 Average=0.022 Maximum=1
Day 15 Average=0.022 Maximum=1
Day 16 Average=0.054 Maximum=2
Day 17 Average=0.024 Maximum=2
Day 18 Average=0.027 Maximum=2
Day 19 Average=0.063 Maximum=1

Last months records:
Month 09 Average=0.083 Maximum=2

Last year records:
Year 2008 Average=0.083 Maximum=2

Since installed records:
Forever Average=0.083 Maximum=2

Every day a new day is added, every month a new month etc ...
The log is send every day by email to the emails registered in the parameter file in the device (see below).

Starting the counter

To start the counter, just rez it on the area you want to report on.
When you rez it on a region where it was already rezzed it will ask you if you want to reset or keep previously recorded data.
If rezzed on a new region it will always start.
You can change parameters contained in the device (see below).

Manager menu

Managers are identified in the parameter file inside the device. By default the owner is a manager.
If you are manager when you click the device you get several options:
Reset - Restarts all statictics
Email log - Will email the log to the emails listed in the parameter file (see below)
Show log - Will tell the log in open chat
Email on/off - Will turn the automatic email on or off


The counter contains a natecard name "$Parameters" containing basic setup options:
Available parameters:

// cou_email - emails addresses where to send the logs, use several lines for several recipients
// cou_manager - put list of UUID for people allowed to be managers


In case of problems do not hesitate to contact Agnes Chalet by IM.

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nice device
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 26.8.2018 von Rhys Goode

I have the updated version, and it works great! And great customer service from Agnes!

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 16.11.2008 von Anne Cloud

Product reasonably priced, works as advertised. Would much prefer a copyable, no transfer counter though, or some means of buying more than one at a time, particularly given some clients prefer to track their traffic at many points in a sim.

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Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Agnes Chalet Creation
Agnes Chalet Creation
Verkauft von: Agnes Chalet

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Automatische Neulieferung
Auswirkung auf Land: 1