*AD POSES* Group Pose - Christmas tree

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This static pose is Bento ready. Sit on the poseball , add your Bento Hud that came with your Mesh Head to make changes to the face expressions. Add your Mesh Body Hud to make changes to your Bento Hands. Bento Hand Pose that you bought separately works as well with this pose.

What's in the unpacker: A Static Animated Pose Ball, A Separate Static Animation

* Since all body shapes and avatars are different sizes, your pose will most likely need to be adjusted. I recommend a pose animator or you can edit your avatar.

Includes Tree Christmas



  • Bento Pose
  • Group Pose
  • Christmas Pose
  • Christmas Tree

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Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen

(  verbleibende Zeichen)
* AD Poses*
* AD Poses*
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Verkauft von: AlexDuquee
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