ALUORA Sweet Indulgences - Apothecary Jar Set 02 - Full Perms

Details Leistungsmerkmale Inhalt 1 Rezensionen


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Elegant apothecary jar in glass and gold with sweet dragees. 100% mesh, with baked textures and AO maps.

Dragees created with physics simulation for a more realistic look, with medium and low LODs decimated manually for better quality and performance whith low Land Impact and visible from a greater distance.

This set includes:
- 1 complete jar;
- 1 jar bottom;
- 1 jar top;
- 1 mesh with dragees for bowl;
- 1 mesh with 15 dragees;
- 1 mesh with 5 dragees;
- 1 single dragee.

Land Impact: each mesh has 0.5 L.I.

I hope you like it!



The full permission items sold in our store can only be redistributed/resold as part of a project, or as a derivative work.

You can:
- Include this product or parts of it as they are in your own creations;
- Modify this product in a significant manner (e.g. new textures, scripts...) and sell your derivative work.

You cannot:
- Redistribute/resell this product or part of it as it is or with no significant changes;
- Include our products in a pack and resell them/give them as part of a bundle.
- Redistribute/resell this product or parts of it with full permissions, they must be No Copy or No Transfer (Modify is up to you).

For more detailed information about our Terms and Conditions, please click the link below or contact us inworld.

Thank you for your interest!

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  • Full Perms
  • 100% Mesh
  • Low land impact
  • Materials enabled
  • Textures included


Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 Stern:
just wow
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 25.10.2019 von Caren Jewell

fantastic work! I was in Main inworld and stand infront of it, it look so real and fantastic!

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Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Verkauft von: CristinaBellamora

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