G Generell

American Civil War Cavalry Slouch Hat

American Civil War Cavalry Slouch Hat


The Slouch Hat is the fore runner of the modern cowboy hat. Originally the name refered to a wide brimmed felt hat with the left hand side pinned up to prevent it interfering with a shouldered musket or rifle, while the opposite side was left free to 'slouch' down. Over time however the name was used to describe any soft felt hat with a wide brim and a chinstrap.

The slouch hat quickly gained popularity with both sides durring the American Civil War, being more comfortable to wear and providing better protection from the rain than the military kepi of the period.

In the same year the war ended John B. Stetson rented a small room, bought the tools he needed and $10 worth of fur. The John B. Stetson Hat Company was born and year later the "Hat of the West" or the now famous "Boss of the Plains" hat was born.

And moving forwards, what's in the box?

A pair of very simple three prim hats, (thus easy to resize and adjust). All the sculpties are original to myself and not found anywhere else.

One hat has the classic 'Cattleman' crown, a central dent along the top with sides curved in. While the other has a 'Teardrop' shaped crown with a slightly raised round in the centre.

It's scripted with a drop menu (touch the hat, not cords or badge) to give you the following options.

Either Northern Black (Adopted in 1855) or Confederate Grey.

Hat Cords:
Solid Gold - Field Grade Officer
Gold & Black - Company Grade Officer
Solid Silver - Warrant Officer - Senior CW4,CW5
Solid Silver - Warrant Officer - WO1,CW2,CW3
Yellow - Non-Commissioned Officer

Hat Badges:
Cavalry - Standard Cavalry Crossed Swords
7th Cav E Company - One of the three companys directly under George Armstrong Custer at the Battle of the Bighorn June 25th 1876
CSA - Confederate State Army
None - Blank

Finally please forgive any minor errors, I'm by no means an expert on the American Civil War, but I do know far now than when I started. :P

  • Sculptie Prim Build
  • Scripted Colour Changer
  • Easy to Adjust
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern halber Stern
  • 5 Stern:
  • 4 Stern:
  • 3 Stern:
  • 2 Stern:
  • 1 Stern:
smart looking
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 11.7.2018 von Eragon Joubert

Resize your hair and ride off into the sunset. Perfect,

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IF you aint Cav you aint
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 30.9.2012 von SgtShaveTail

Just to let anyone that cares know that we still wear the cavalry stetson in the U.S. Army Cavalry today along with our spurs. it is mostly ceremonial but every now and then we just wear them. and yes that in ACU uniform.

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Slouch hats
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 18.3.2012 von Mahto56

They are very nice hats, I will admit....the only complaint I have,and a serious one. is when I put them on, they remove my hair. The hats have to be placed elsewhere, then the edit commands used to place them properly. Once in place, though, they look very nice, and otherwise I would rate them 5 stars

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