Anawyn Slipper Flats in Blue with Yellow Trim

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Anawyn Slipper Flats

These are the mesh slippers from my Anawyn outfit. They are similar to the slippers noble ladies wore at court in Constantinople anno 600 to 900 A.D.

They are made of soft leather with soft soles, and thus, still very flat.

Each slipper is a single mesh-prim, and very easy to fit. They are unrigged, and I do not use resize scripts. Thus, you can resize, stretch, shrink, pull or push in any direction you need. They can be resized down to almost nano in size, less than a centimeter in any direction. If your foot has a form similar to the SL foot, they can be made to fit.

I have provided a foot-form with the slippers. This foot-form brings the SL foot closer to the form of a real foot. It is not needed though.

Testing with mesh feet (maker: redpoly) the slippers fitted a bit loose, but not radically so. I did not test with other designers, and cannot guarantee a fit.

Properties: Modify, Copy, No Transfer

Sahiela Lavendel
Priory of Roses

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Sahiela Lavendel - Priory of Roses
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